Being a bit dissapointed with GP3 I've decided to tryout GPL! So, I've
downloaded the demo from Sierra......but what a crappy scenary......oh boy,
this CANT be the game everyone is talking about? So I downloaded the 1.2
patch to see it in D3D.
Now, I cannot patch the demo to 1.2...And without a 3dfx card the game looks
like GP1 and behaves worse....
I dont wanna ask directly for a warez site, but honestly....havin' purchased
the latest 2 F1 sims, F1-2000 and GP3, and played them about 10 minutes
each, I dont wanna be left as a totally fool if GPL is dissapointing /
unplayable aswell...
Any Ideas? How to look at this game before spending my last $ ?