>>Maybe this "***" mode could be logged on the internet, and maybe
>>leagues could have a requirement that any potential members had, eg,
>>logged 50 hours of "***" practice time, or 200 laps of a
>>specified circuit, before allowing admission?
> Now THAT would be cool... Although it would be hell for people who
> have to pay for internet time by the minute.
> Eldred
You could run the laps offline, and upload the "results" to a server. (like
submitting your GPL Rank times). That wouldn't be perfect, as if the files
are on the player's PC, in theory that player can "hack" the files. Qould
anyone go to all the trouble though, to join a league?
Seeing as WRL is apparently going to have unique id's for the cars you
have, it would seem that at least the relevant data will be collected for
league admins to analyse potential members.