This might be a real stupid question but here goes, you know in GPL replay mode
when you see that red circle with the arrow? Does that mean that the available
memory for the replay has been used up and the replay is "overwriting" itself?
The other night I ran an 8:45:xx in a Cooper at you know where. NO NOT MONZA!!
That laptime broke my previous pb by about three seconds. After I ran that lap,
I drove about another half lap before spinning off. I figured I would pause at
that time and save my pb. So I went to the replay and I only have a portion of
my previous lap and that damn red circle with the arrow seems to be screwing
with me. I couldn't seem to find the beginning of where my replay started and
the replay controls were just screwy. Needless to say I didn't save my pb. Oh
well, I still have my 8:48.xx to look at.
Larry Haines