>> On Sat, 2 Jan 1999 15:46:53 +0800, "Pat Megroin"
>> >After about a hundred attempts starting last on the grid (to make it more
>> >interesting) I won with some breathtaking overtaking manourves at monza.
>> >Then i gets to the newspaper atricle showing my name as won with the fastest
>> >lap and starting back of the grid. (Then ***y forgets which keys to press
>> >to screen dump) oh well only another 100 times more but having a blast
>> >trying.
>> . I won one from the back at Monza too. I made my wife come in and
>> look at the Newspaper, then photographed the screen! I idn't know you
>> could record the screen. How??
>> Sam
>Hehehe, press the 'print screen' key, this save's a 'pbf' file to your 'gpl'
>directory, you then use the 'pbf2tga.exe' to convert the 'pbf' saved file to a
>'tga' graphics file that you can then view/modify/print in a graphics package
>During GPL usage, pressing 'printsceen' will save any viewed track or menu screen
>to disc. Have fun.....
>Dave Hawnt (UK)
Hey, thanks, guys, if I ever win another one, I'll know what to do.
However, I have tried many, many times to reoeat a win, no joy. I can
run at about the same speed as AI, but inevitably, after a few laps,
when I catch up to the field, there is a contact with somebody, and
I'm out. When I was running a P200, they would leave me standing at
the start. With a PII 400, now, I got grip at the start. Don't ask me
how. I had Monster 2 in both machines. Using no tweaks, no aids. TSW
wheel helps, I think. I got plenty of respect for you guys doing well
with joysticks. My recommendation: More Silicon! Cheer, Sam