Yes I know what you mean
the "sense of speed " is simply not there....
I believe it is a VISUAL thing.
The speedo reads quite high like 100km/hr
into corners but when you are not looking at
the speedo, you would think you could take the
corner at higher speed and start
to push
Then you end up over the gravel.
What I found out is that you really need to
" slow-in fast-out " with this game.
Once you accept this method, you will enjoy
the game.
Still I would like to change the braking distance
to slightly lower :=0
So far managed to win most racers in ACTION
mode. It is the simulation thing that got me.
BTW, what do you adjust "trail" and "rake" ?
I am a car guy so I dont know much about these.
Are you able to adjust these in your real bike ?
| >>
| >> Hi
| >>
| >> I am trying to reduce the braking distance
| >> and found these bike has horrible braking
| >> in comparision to the cars like F1 or GPL.
| >
| I agree, the braking feel as well as the turn in response
| of the bikes just doesn't feel right. As a long time bike
| rider I want to love SBK but I just can't get into it, it
| feels like slow motion into and through corners. Nothing
| like real life.
| --
| Don Scurlock
| Vancouver,B.C.