I've created one that I like, except for calling in a tire change to the
pits. I'd like to be able to say "right side tires" and have GC press
the appropriate keys ({F5}{ENTER}{ENTER}{ENTER}), which would work fine,
except for one thing. Suppose I changed my mind and wanted no tires? I
couldn't say "no tires" since that command would have been programmed
with {F5}{ENTER} and since the tire toggle would have already been set
with right sides selected, the additional {ENTER} would toggle to all
four tires.
I don't suppose there's an undocumented keystroke that resets the tire
status back to a known state so that I can use a vocal command that
specifies the bottom line? Right now I say "tires"({F5}) and then say
"toggle" ({ENTER}) until I get the tire changes I want. This method
works, but I still have to spend to much time watching the tire window
and trying to keep my mind on the track as well. Also, to change tire
pressure, I say "less" and "more" for the "<" and ">" keys and "select"
for the space bar to select tires. A bit cheesy, I know, but maybe
somebody's found a better solution...