the regular DOS N2? I use it with N1999 (after shortening the .exe's name)
and I gave it a quick try with the DOS N1999 but it didn't seem to do
anything. I just thought there might be some trick to get it to work with
Rick Miller
Rick Miller
Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.
cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com
Through some experimentation, I determined that Game Commander in
Windows 95 OSR2 detects all DOS games as winoa386.EXE In order for Game
Commander to work in DOS games, I had to make a copy of the Quake.exe and name
it winoa386.EXE. Then you can import winoa386.EXE into Game Commander and
setup the voice commands. You only have to rename one of the DOS executables
(whether it's the Quake.exe, NASCAR2.exe, or nr19993d.exe), for it to work.
Whenever I start a DOS game, Game Commander sees it as winoa386.EXE and loads
the corresponding commands.
The only problem I ran into was that it detects all of my DOS games as
that one file. Therefore, the same set of voice commands is used for every DOS
game. I setup the commands for DOS Quake - so I have to use those commands in
the other games. For example: when I play Quake, I say "negative" = F1 = my
character says "Negative!". When I play NASCAR 2, I say "negative" = F1 =
display my lap times every lap. See what I mean?
I am considering loading Windows 98, so please let me know if you get it
to work under a Windows 98 DOS box also. Contact me if you have any questions,
and I'll see if I can help.
Michael Gilbert
MG24 on TEN
wgilbert [AT] iquest [DOT] net
What you might try with your double game prob is to make a profile
for Quake 2 then rename it to quake2 or somesuch and then make another
for NROS or whatever other DOS game you play and rename it as well.
Then you can create batch files to rename the needed one b4 you
Thanks again.
> Through some experimentation, I determined that Game Commander in
>Windows 95 OSR2 detects all DOS games as winoa386.EXE In order for Game
>Commander to work in DOS games, I had to make a copy of the Quake.exe and name
>it winoa386.EXE. Then you can import winoa386.EXE into Game Commander and
>setup the voice commands. You only have to rename one of the DOS executables
>(whether it's the Quake.exe, NASCAR2.exe, or nr19993d.exe), for it to work.
>Whenever I start a DOS game, Game Commander sees it as winoa386.EXE and loads
>the corresponding commands.
> The only problem I ran into was that it detects all of my DOS games as
>that one file. Therefore, the same set of voice commands is used for every DOS
>game. I setup the commands for DOS Quake - so I have to use those commands in
>the other games. For example: when I play Quake, I say "negative" = F1 = my
>character says "Negative!". When I play NASCAR 2, I say "negative" = F1 =
>display my lap times every lap. See what I mean?
> I am considering loading Windows 98, so please let me know if you get it
>to work under a Windows 98 DOS box also. Contact me if you have any questions,
>and I'll see if I can help.
>Michael Gilbert
>MG24 on TEN
>wgilbert [AT] iquest [DOT] net
>> I purchased Game Commander and have been trying to get it to work
>>online with NROS.EXE. I have been unsuccesfull. I tried going online
>>and starting a race then Alt-Tabbing out and programing it but it had
>>the TEN profile loaded. I tried programing the TEN profile but it
>>wont respond in the race. I tried importing the NROS.EXE file
>>manually and programing that but that didn't work either. Have any of
>>you been able to get this to work online???? It recognizes my voice
>>very well even with the mic placed against my lower throat. I REALLY
>>want to get this working online as that's the main reason I purchased
>>it. :-)
>> Steve-S
On Wed, 23 Jun 1999 23:55:16 -0500, "Rick Miller"
>Rick Miller
>> I purchased Game Commander and have been trying to get it to work
>> online with NROS.EXE. I have been unsuccesfull. I tried going online
>> and starting a race then Alt-Tabbing out and programing it but it had
>> the TEN profile loaded. I tried programing the TEN profile but it
>> wont respond in the race. I tried importing the NROS.EXE file
>> manually and programing that but that didn't work either. Have any of
>> you been able to get this to work online???? It recognizes my voice
>> very well even with the mic placed against my lower throat. I REALLY
>> want to get this working online as that's the main reason I purchased
>> it. :-)
>> Steve-S