do the [Control] paramteres represent? For instance I have an Axis [00,00]
thru Axis [00,07] and each one has "Dead Zone", "Sensitivity" and "Center".
I also have the same parameters for "Axis [01, 00]" thru "Axis [01, 07]".
What do all of these parameters represent. I also have lines following the
Axis lines which say "Control - Accelerate", "Control - Brake", "Control -
Steer Left" and "Control - Steer Right". Well .... You get the picture. I am
just trying to get me wheel setup as good as possible and was wondering if
anyone knows the ins and outs of this file. FWIW .... I am using an ECCI
CDS2 wheel and pedals that have been converted to split-axis. I have all of
my Dead Zones set to "0" in the game and all of my Axis Sensitivities set to
"50%" except for Speed which I am still playing with.
Thanks in advance,