Unless everyone's got stunning connections, their car's position won't be
accurately "guessed" by GPL, leading to corrections xx(x) milliseconds
later when the accurate data arrives at the server.
At least, that's what I think :->
Andrew McP
Make sure you setup a special dialup icon which turns off error
correction, turns the FIFO buffers to the 2nd notch from the left and
connects at a slow speed like 28.8 or 31.2. www.vroc.net should have
more info.
Furthermore, connect to good servers on VROC. Use ALT-M when driving to
monitor your connection realtime.
> Whenever I watch a replay of an online race, many times the competition will
> appear to be very jumpy. Anyone know why? Or what I can do to stop it?
> Thanks,
> Richard
> To reply to me remove NoSpam from my email address