1. Is it right that when I enter the replay, Time keeps going in the
session, and so if I press esc while going at speed, the car just goes as
though noone is driving it (which obviously noone is as I am in the replay
2. why does the replay option sometimes run a couple of laps previous, but
sometimes only a couple of corners, also is there a fix for it? It's damned
annoying when I think I've done a flying lap, so I go to the replay to save
it and find only the last corner is still in replay. My only thought on
this is that I only have 32MB of ram, and as the min. sys. req. is 32MB it
may only have a small amount of spare ram to store the replay in?
I realise this is only a pre-alpha release and many problems will be fixed
before release, I just wondered if everyone is finding this.
Also does anybody else think it would be nice also if papyrus would include
all the camera views in the actual race? I know its an arcady type option,
but in other games (i.e. GP2 and SODA off road), if I realise that I've
fluffed a lap I just enjoy trying to drive in the TV camera mode, or some
other equally undrivable position. It's great fun trying to drive GP2 when
all you can see is your own helmet moving about to tell what the car is
doing :-)