On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 06:02:46 +0100, "Kevin Barnes"
>Can anyone help me with a smal problem i have with replay analyser. When i
>want to export my records(lap times)i only get my original circuits lap
>times and not all of them including the ones on new circuits saved in
>replays.I have noticed that for some reason my name now comes up as Barnes
>;Kevin instead of Barnes Kevin as it was originally, however in my player
>file in gpl it is still shown correctly. Anyone else had this problem and
>know how to sort it out.
As you suspect the missing laptimes might be because your name has
been changed in GPL. GPLRA compares the name in player.ini and in the
replay to determine if the laps should be counted.
I have no idea why the name in GPL would change, using any third party
programs which might change that?