So, I understand there is a problem with Win95 'B' and
joysticks/wheels. Is anyone working on the solution?
So, I understand there is a problem with Win95 'B' and
joysticks/wheels. Is anyone working on the solution?
On the unofficial front, I know of plenty of people who are trying to
figure out the same on their own... :-)
---Jim Sokoloff, Papyrus
I recently talked to Sierra tech supp. and they said they are
working on it. But they're not sure if they'll ever get it to work.
I have Win95 'a', and have problems too. I'm playing in Dos
for now.
Thanks Jim, and keep plugging at it please. I'm patiently(hehe)
waiting your announcement of success with this problem!
What I have done it not to configure the joystick in control panel. Just
let windows think that there is NO joystick setup. In Win95a I just set it
as a custom race car controller but in B I found that it works just fine
with joystick set to NONE. It will calibrate fine when told it is a custom
race car controller but when you start the game it won't work.
Nascar Sim Shop
> So, I understand there is a problem with Win95 'B' and
> joysticks/wheels. Is anyone working on the solution?
Neil Yeatman
Ajax, Ontario, CANADA
>>So, I understand there is a problem with Win95 'B' and
>>joysticks/wheels. Is anyone working on the solution?
>Yes, Papyrus is actively attempting to duplicate the problem (easy),
>figure out exactly what is causing it (hard), and then implement a
>solution (probably easy-medium, once we know WTF is going on...)
>On the unofficial front, I know of plenty of people who are trying to
>figure out the same on their own... :-)
>---Jim Sokoloff, Papyrus
1. Can't calibrate joystick. - Some people had to remove their custom game
card controllers to get it to work and others could fix it by seting the Control
Panel-Joystick to NONE. I have a Thrustmaster ACM card and am running OEM B and
have no problems unless I ...
2: Can't see joysticks if I run NASCAR while my comm port is actively connected
to my modem. - This prevents me from racing online while in Windows forcing me
to have to load DOS Kali and all the other goodies.
For Jim - I have replaced all joystick, serial port and anything else
communications related, that I could get my hands on (most were unchanged from
the upgraded Windows version files). Still no dice, Looking in my Windows
Developer stuff, my guess would be that Microsoft somehow goofed up the VCOMM
(Virtual Communication) driver in the OEM B package. It's an integral part of
the OS and I couldn't sucessfully swap this one out without toasting the system.
I also tried activating the modem through a DOS window using "echo ATH1". This
avoids the Dialup Networking and any network clients from being loaded and I
still couldn't see the port in NASCAR. The common Windows mechanism for both
DOS and from within Windows is VCOMM,
This isn't looking good.
--- Frank ---
They best be. I took me about two weeks on and off at first to figure it was
win 95 b. That was a very frustrating time.
> On the unofficial front, I know of plenty of people who are trying to
> figure out the same on their own... :-)
> ---Jim Sokoloff, Papyrus
This is the first official word from papy, finally. I first brought this
problem to light months ago, they shoulda jumped on in right then with the
official word. Feel better knowing that IS the problem other than guessing it
way beck when.
> Neil
Yep Neil your in the minority though. It's not all but most.
My version of Win95 was preinstalled on a new system bought in Dec
can I tell if I have Win95B?
Right-click on My Computer and choose Properties. A OSR2 system will
be listed as Win95 Version 4.00.950 B. Also typing 'Ver' at the DOS
prompt will report Windows 95. [Version 4.00.1111].
The IWCCCARS Project: Q & A Representative
>> I'm not sure what kind of problem you're having, I have
>> '95B (OSR2) and have no problems with my T2 or any of
>> my joysticks. irun all my racing games either in Win95
>> or in DOS boxes, and no problemo!
>> Neil
>Yep Neil your in the minority though. It's not all but most.
--- Frank ---
> --
> The IWCCCARS Project: Q & A Representative
How about the non technical way. The animated blue line in the start up Win
'95 screen moves the opposite way and is completely smooth in it's detail and
not blocky like the orignal version of '95. :)
That would work for those who didn't delete the logo.sys, logow.sys,
and logos.sys the first time Win95 was run. I don't care to see them,
and removing them also helps to speed up both bootup and shutdown.
The IWCCCARS Project: Q & A Representative