> I understand the math. Would N2 be as popular without TEN? When
> (remember those days) kicked off with N1, that was an INCREDIBLE
rush. The
> multiplayer experience far exceeds what the AI will do for you.
> The sales will be there, it will be a financial success, but will I be
> playing it every day? Without solid MP... it will be played at
times. The
> AI experience never gets your hands sweaty or your heart racing
> NEVER... why? You "know" that there isn't another person at the
other end.
> Its also pretty cool when you're part of a racing team, using
> during the race is a fun experience. Those AI drivers don't like to
> much.
> Every carset can be tweaked to know which driver is going to run
strong or
> weak. With multiplayer... it involves more skill.. and luck for that
> matter... no CTL-R to start the race over.
> Oh yeah, the ability to meet new people and make friends is pretty
cool too.
> Andrew "bot" B.
My feelings exactly Andrew! I played N2 offline just every now and
then before the NROS went live, but after racing online with real
opponents, I never looked back. I had never had so muc fun in all my
life (playing a video game). Online against real opponents makes all
the difference in the world.
And for those of you who don't think online *** is the future, all I
can say is either you haven't ever played online, or you got your ass
kicked miserably. Will it make or break Nascar3? You see they
included it didn't they?
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