% HELP!!!
% I have the installed the NASCAR racing on my newly upgraded 166 MMX
% Pentium. The problem is the joystick does not work with this game or
% any othe game that it worked with in the past. Do I need a newer
% joystick? I hve tried both of the joysticks I havve had for about 5
% years.
% Any Ideas???
Sounds as if your soundcard (or gameport device) is not configured
properly. Most DOS games will need to read the joystick via I/O 201-201
and some soundcards won't turn on this I/O until they are properly setup
via either the config.sys or autoexec.bat file. Are you using the same
soundcard from you old machine? Try moving it to a different slot on
your motherboard.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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