So has Gravis fixed the buggy joystick port with new GUS PnP?
I've had similar problems with NASCAR and ICR2 as described below.
>>I'd like to find out how many people experience this problem:
>>When running Doom 1.666 with a Gravis game pad, the controler tends
>>to stutter when rotating right. By stuttering, I mean it occasionaly
>>stops rotating for a split second. This only seems to happen with a
>>game pad. With a joystick, I can compansate by not fully moving to the
>>top left and bottom right during the games joystick calibration routine.
>>This problem is less noticable if DMA values above 3 are used in the
>>"ULTRASND" variable. Also, if no sound card is selected for sound effects
>>the problem goes away.
>Did you ever fix this?
>I have the exact kind of problem using a GUS with a CH Pro joystick in Tie
>Fighter CD. I cant fly straight at all, it jumps all over the place. If I
>my SB-Pro instead of the GUS the problem goes away. Lucasarts tells me it's a
>problem with the GUS when using digital effects. Kinda makes me wonder if
>Gravis has fixed this with there latest pnp GUS.
:I have come to the conculsion it's a hardware bug on the GUS. Its dependant
:on the mother board you have, since not eveyone has this problem.
:It seems certian games manage to trip over this bug, while others don't. It's
:either in the way the sound drivers are writen, or in the way the joystick
:routines are writen. In an email to me, Gravis said that they are aware of
:this problem, but could offer no solution.
:I'd also like to remind those people that replied to my origional post this
:occurs on more games than just Doom. Even if I upgrade Doom to 1.9, it
:still doesn't solve the same problem in the other games I mentioned.
:I did run Tie Fighter on my system. It's the floppy version which uses a
:custom version of megaem. I didn't find any joystick problems with it, and
:I tried 3 different kinds of analog joystick.
:I was also thinking of getting a GUS pnp. If I do get it, I'd buy if from
:a store with a good return policy. There would be no point upgrading to
:another buggy sound card
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