I can't get the F1RS demo to work on my system, which consists of the
AMD K6 running at 225MHz (3 X75)
ATI 3D Xpression (Rage II) PC2TV - 4MBs
Windows 95 (upgrade version) with Internet Explorer 4.01
Gigabyte GA-586T2 motherboard
Motorola VoiceSURF 56K
WD 2.1GB & 528MB IBM Options harddrives
Latest drivers being used.
I have tried various 16-bit resolution settings with no luck. I get
some error message. If I use anything other than 16-bit I get an
error message that the program will not run. It is the English
language version.
Any suggestions as to what the problem may be.
When replying please take the "a" out of "neat".