#1...16 bit sound. A must, imo. If there are problems with
performance hits or ram barriers, at least give us the install option
8 or 16 bit, 11, 22 or 44 khz.
#2...More wrecks. Perhaps as an option? Wrecks=Rare or Realistic.
#3...Speaking of wrecks...How about some audio from spotters?
#4...Another yellow flag option. Instead of yellows On or OFF...
Why not abbreviated yellows? It may be realisitc to run a half
dozen (or more) laps under yellow at 'dega, but it's also boring.
2 or 3 is plenty for pitting, repair, etc.
#5...Minor contact is causing too many yellows. Tone it down.
#6...Add some flash to the 'cheese' screen. Cheers, fans, fmv, etc.
#7...See #1. Please.
Thanks and Best Wishes for continued success.