I have seen several posts about the steering/Joystick problems with
Destruction Derby 2 (including my own).
Here's the solutions I found to correct the "pulling left" problem
when playing the Win95 version.
1. Thrustmaster ACM gamecard, once I callibrated the port for my TM GP1
wheel it worked fine in DD2 after installing the gamecard.
2. DirectX 3.0, after installing the DirectX 3.0 drivers (new Direct
Input) the "pulling" problem was resolved, It worked fine on my SB16
joystick port and I returned the game card.
3. Install the DOS version if the above fails, Occasionally the wheel
doesnt calibrate correctly and when steering left the wheels of teh car
flip right??? Re-calibrate until it resolves then save config. The DOS
version is also not as sensitive, a larger null zone perhaps.
4. SpaceOrb 360: I can use my SpaceOrb as a Win95 joystick and decrease
the sensitivity of the steering axxis, this worked VERY well but I
prefer a wheel for driving games.
Psygnosis tech support is NONEXISTANT, they have yet to return ANY
Dave Worley "RacerX"