From Sim Racing News:
* Grand Prix 3's physics engine is based on 12 years of work by Geoff
Crammond, and that Grand Prix 3 is the final product of that work.
<Yeah, OK, but what are the actual improvements over GP2?>
* In later games it will be possible to start as a test driver and work
your way up through the rankings.
<Fine, cool - but does he mean GP4+?>
* Induvidial driver style will not be included in Grand Prix 3 as it
may annoy people.
<WTF?! This isn't a damn arcade game - sounds like an excuse to me>
* There are no radio messages currently added to Grand Prix 3, but they
are not ruled out of the final version. If they were included, they
would not be very often as that is how realistic it is in real life.
<Well, hell - GP2 already had the radio messages in the sound files,
and they *still* don't have them implemented?>
* No pit animation because the driver would just change to the camera
view and not concentrate on the actual driving.
<sounds like another excuse to leave out an enhancement>
I really don't like to complain, but it sounds like Geoff is doing the
bare minimum to get GP3 out. If it's just GP2 with improved physics
and 3D graphics, I'll still definitely buy it, but they've left the
door wide open for another company to take the F1 crown.
EA F1-2001? MGPRS3 (anyone seen this yet)?
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Before you buy.