> Yep, Mum's on ebay...
>> If it lives up to the hype? I would sell my mother for it!
>Yep, Mum's on ebay...
The Total *** Magazine
Hey there goes a flying pig towing a West Bros banner
>> >Assuming it lives up to the hype, what is the most you would pay for
>> $40.
>boo, hiss!
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>> $40.
>> Eldred
>You're lucky you don't live in Canada. It's possible to see a game in the
>bargain bin for under $40, but on the shelf they are usually $60-80 before
>the 15% tax.
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Damien Smith
ICQ: 77028579
F1 2001 rank: -11.512
George Sandman
> > I will put aside the snickering tongue-in-cheek attitude I have had
> > the West project long enough to ask a serious question....
> > Assuming it lives up to the hype, what is the most you would pay for it?
Damn that was funny ! :)
You never spent $100 on dinner that lasted less than 24 hours in your
system? Never spent $30 on a movie with a***poor plot and slimy popcorn?
Never bought a shirt for $40 that looked much better at the store and never
made it out of the closet?
Money doesn't make us happy but certainly can bring us enjoyment. How can
you judge the price he places on enjoyment?
Joe Marques
> DC
> > I'd pay 300 / US$500
> > > I will put aside the snickering tongue-in-cheek attitude I have had
> about
> > > the West project long enough to ask a serious question....
> > > Assuming it lives up to the hype, what is the most you would pay for
That sounds about right to me as well.
But as I see it, the success of this rests on the ability to produce
quality multiplayer racing. That aspect of the game will have to be
proven to me before I plunk down $1 for this.
Since it's been shown many times that the online racing enthusiast is
but a small fraction of the end purchaser of racing titles, I don't
see how this sim can be cost effective for the West's without charging
a huge amount for it. Placing a big price tag on it will only further
reduce the number of end users.
Tim Wortman
North American Simulation Series
As per my other messages, I'm very doubtful, but assuming it lives up to the
hype, then $500 would mean nothing to me, compared to the enjoyment it would
bring. I used to be a rally driver and spent $30,000 or more of my own money
a year enjoying my sport. In comparison, this game would be a bargain.
> DC
> > I'd pay 300 / US$500
> Eldred
GPL - $9 (MIB)
DTR - $9 (MIB)
N3 - $3 (used)
Andre "Cheap Simmer" Ming
Good point. I spent $150.00 CAD on WinXP and I don't even have it
installed anymore. I find having Win98 and Linux installed meets my
needs better than that XP bloatware and forced product activation