Hi, y'all.
I'm working on a list of FAQs to include on the new SODA Off-Road
site. So far, here's my hotlist:
Q: Will SODA ship with a paintkit like other Papyrus products?
Q: Will SODA provide support for Rendition or 3dfx?
Q: Does SODA support multiplayer? Will Kali work with SODA?
Q: Does SODA support force feedback joysticks?
Q: What options can you alter on your vehicle?
If you have a question that you think a lot of other people would like
the producers. Sorry to say that credit will not be given for
questions on the site (I'd have to do a list a mile long of names for
each one!), but hopefully we can get a resource that will answer most
of the common questions.
Papyrus Design Group, Inc.
The views expressed in this message are mine entirely
and do not represent Papyrus or Sierra in any official capacity.