I have 98SE. It came pre-installed...:)
My point is...folks are running out and buying XP with the 'idea' that it
is an upgrade. While I appreciate the improvements in XP I just don't think
spending $$ on an OS is as beneficial as upgrading hardware.
(btw..I'm building an old P166 into a Rendition box for ICR2 3d...I WILL
NEED dos6.22 for that.)
Looking at the features of XP, I don't see anything that would compel me
to need it. I have SE fairly stable, I have full compatibility, and I have
older hardware. Throwing 1 or 2 hundred bucks into replacing an OS that
works just fine would cripple any improvements I could purchase in the cpu
or video card areas. (since I have very little cash) XP is NOT a bad
thing...it's just not a great investment if you are looking at improving
*** performance.
I know I sound like the stone age...but give me bleeding fast cpu's over
another version of windows anyday.
dave henrie
> So how does DOS 6.22 work with your games? Surely you haven't wasted the
> money and upgraded your OS to a Windows version...
> > Ok so let me clarify my posisiton.