Ok so let me clarify my posisiton.
I am reacting to what others call 'upgrading' to XP. When I think of
upgrading I think of improved performance. When I think of improved
performance, little small gains don't impress me. I try and look for any
item that would give me the biggest increase per dollar spent.
XP probably is a better system. But there are usually better places to
spend money to improve performance. Below are my 'general' guidelines for
1) CPU
2) Video Card
3) More Memory(stop at 512 if you use Win98x or ME)
4) Improved subsystems(better soundcards, ata 100 hard drives, modem or
broadband connection improvements etc)
5) CPU (by this time you probably can begin the cycle again.)
I wouldn't even list an OS as a performance upgrade. If somebody came to
me and asked what they could do to improve their system, I would investigate
their present specs and how they use it and then make recomendations. But I
can't think of any reason to cut back on money possibly going to CPU
upgrades by purchasing a new OS. I'm figuring we can't all spend unlimited
amounts so I guess I should have made that clear as well. With only a
certain amount of money to spend, $90 or $199 (US) for an OS cuts in half
what you could spend on the absolute TOP cpu or Mega video card. It just
isn't worth it to me UNLESS you find it meets a very specific need.
For example, if I have to buy a Ge Force 2 MX instead of an Ultra or GF3
because I spent extra money on XP, then I choked my system. If I have to
settle for a PIII 800 when the extra money NOT spent on XP could get me a P4
1.8ghz, then I've once again held back my system. And no OS is gonna make
up for big jumps or lack there-of in cpu horsepower.
If you have a business you run with your *** system, if you have
networking issues, if you have unlimited $$ to spend, then XP surely is a
better OS. But if you are trying to squeeze the most performance out of a
system without huge amounts of money, then the OS purchase is WASTED money.
Get the rest of your system upgraded, sorted, and broken in and let the
folks who can't wait beta test XP and all it's component issues.
dave henrie