(Attempting to be polite.)
Clearly I'm having trouble getting my point across. Obviously I should
consider going to some communications course in my free time, so I'll try
once again to sum up.
- Win XP gives as good performance for games as Win9X given the right
hardware. It is not a step backwards as some people in this group have
suggested. Read the XP ngs, or talk to people who actually use it. Do you
use it? Inevitably, different configurations will see increases and
decreases depending on drivers, CPU power, graphics card, etc, etc.
Personally, I saw a marginal improvement, but essentially the same level of
- it is a major step forward in many other terms, i.e. stability, ease of
use, new functions, etc. Anything that makes using a PC more pleasureable
has got to be a good thing in my eyes
- for the first time that I can remember since 3.1, the press are almost
100% behind the new MS offering and that is quite a feat.
If you don't like it, then what are your reasons? What is your experience
with XP? How did it affect you? I suspect that the answer is that you
haven't got any experience of it at all, so now who's talking through their
a***? Apologies if I'm wrong, but please share you experiences with us.
Try to get your facts right, and please stop the childish and unnecessary
insults. It doesn't do this group's reputation any favours.
> > Read the posts properly first. The argument is not about whether one OS
> > gives 102fps and the other gives 100fps.
> > Iain
> Read the first post in the thread!
> > Most games run faster on XP for me, and my 3D 2001 benchmark went up as
> > cf 98SE.
> > Iain
> And...
> > As has been posted on many ngs, forget the web reviews and believe what
> > players are telling you.
> > also, I am not the only one. I think if you follow the xp ngs, you'll
find a
> > lot of happy (***) bunnies.
> > Iain
> So, according to you, XP is worth getting for improved game performance?
> No, wait...
> > Dave
> > I didn't say anything about radically improving ***, or being in any
> > 'an accelerator'.
> Why are all the 'bunnies' so happy in *** land then?
> > What I said was that it was not a backward step in ***
> > terms as others here have suggested.
> Except for the slower performance in ***, of course.
> > I get marginally better performance in
> > XP than 98 or ME, but that is not the reason I would recommend it.
> But what about all the *** bunnies?
> Sorry if you feel I've unfairly quoted you out of context. I've just
> tried to summarize what you've been saying in a way that supports my
> belief that you're talking out of your arse...again.
> Gerry