GP2 vs F1RS

Goy Larse

GP2 vs F1RS

by Goy Larse » Sat, 31 Jan 1998 04:00:00

> >On Fri, 30 Jan 1998 15:46:40 +1100, Bruce Kennewell

> >>This is a SIMULATION.......a GAME!!!!

> >The games I am interested in all claim how well they simulate the real
> >world. It is therefore perfectly valid to discuss how well each one
> >achieves this. If you don't like such discussions then simply keep out of
> >them.

> Correct! I think what most people do not understand with the type
> of discussion we have been having, is the net result is we all
> learn quite a bit about the subject!

I agree too, but this bring up a point for me (yes I`ve been following
this and a few other threads much like it), what is the "best" sim ?

1: F1RS with it`s innacurate (to some extent) tracks
2: GP2  with it`s "riding the rails" (to some extent) driving model (my
3: CPR  with it`s flawed AI
4: CART with what I belive is a traction bug

Not that I care wich is actually the best, as I will probably have them
all in a short time (missing CPR as it`s not released here yet), but I`m
wondering what the rest of you feel is more important in a game that is
trying to simulate a "real" thing.

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy

Mikes Design

GP2 vs F1RS

by Mikes Design » Sat, 31 Jan 1998 04:00:00

Hi Goy,
Good question!
For me it is the drive model. Which one conveys the feel of speed -traction
and the loss of it- bumps- even sounds I guess influence whether or not I
feel Im driving/ racing. Beers & cheers to you too Goy! Aloha, Mike

Greg Cisk

GP2 vs F1RS

by Greg Cisk » Sat, 31 Jan 1998 04:00:00

>I agree too, but this bring up a point for me (yes I`ve been following
>this and a few other threads much like it), what is the "best" sim ?

Well I have played all the auto sims you mentioned plus many more.
*FOR ME* the best is F1RS, buy a huge margin. Small track inaccuracies
(if they are really there) do not take anything away from the game to me.
Many people feel strongly that the track inaccuracies ruin the game
at those tracks for them. That is fine by me as it really doesn't impact
my enjoyment for the game at all.

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Richard Walk

GP2 vs F1RS

by Richard Walk » Sun, 01 Feb 1998 04:00:00

>I agree too, but this bring up a point for me (yes I`ve been following
>this and a few other threads much like it), what is the "best" sim ?

I try and avoid 'best' type discussions as it's invariably a personal
thing and I'm not sure that it is particularly constructive. However....

To me, driving model is the single most important item for a racing sim.
It has to be believable and respond to the inputs (both wheel/pedals &
setup changes) in a consistent and rational manner. If the driving model
is seriously flawed then nothing else could compensate for it.

After that, it is the atmosphere created by the sim - 'suspension of
disbelief' is the oft used and apt expression. In some ways this doesn't
have to mean utmost realism.

For instance, we've been talking about the (mostly) minor track
inaccuracies in F1RS - well, they are *way* more accurate than GP2's; and
yet GP2 somehow managed (IMHO at least) to convey the right atmosphere
for the tracks. F1RS does as well, but GP2 did it by suggestion whilst
F1RS does it by stunning grahpics. ICR2/CR is a another good example of
this. In the (non-3D) version of Elkhart Lake it does a great job of
giving the impression of driving through a heavily wooded landscape
without actually trying to draw very many CPU-killing trees close to the

Atmosphere also includes items such as the drivers you are racing against
('Driver X' wasn't UbiSoft's fault but it kills the atmosphere -
thankfully Martin Granberg solved that one for us <g>), the paint schemes
of the cars, implementation of the rules of the formula, etc.

Finally we have the AI which for me varies greatly depending on how good
it is. I tend to spend a lot of time hotlapping and developing setups. So
if the AI is so, so it doesn't greatly bother me. But if the AI is very
good (SODA, the CCG NASCAR2 AI projects improvements, GP2 when the CCs
have had their BHP & grip levels increased) then I can really feel that I
am racing against them and it is enjoyable to do so.

And as to which one is 'best'? Well, whatever you currently enjoy the
most of course <g> Just don't expect everyone else to have exactly the
same view ;-)


Goy Larse

GP2 vs F1RS

by Goy Larse » Sun, 01 Feb 1998 04:00:00

> I try and avoid 'best' type discussions as it's invariably a personal
> thing and I'm not sure that it is particularly constructive. However....

Agree, I was just trying to get the discussion going...

Couldn't have said it better myself :-)

Well I would have put in AI here, as I like to race other cars. I don`t
have many opportunities to race humans, this is why I`m so upset about
NROS being for the US only (NROS with the TPTCC patch and converted road
track would be "heaven" for me)

My feelings exactly, when the graphics gets as good as in F1RS, I
immediately start noticing things that are incorrect, but with lower
quality graphics I don`t expect everything to be perfect as long as it
is in the "right neighborhood" because my immagination takes care of the

Yep, I spent the necessary time in GP1 punching in all the right names
and such because it was a series I knew a lot about and it "had" to be
right, but in N2 (or SODA), I don`t care because I only know a few names

Well I don`t hotlap, but I do practice a lot for things like the TPTCC
and in that sense AI isn`t important, but when I take all that time and
try to convert it into racing, I get really mad when I get punted off by
computer cars (me punting off them is no worry of course :-) when you
know there is a bunch of other guys who have gotten through their races
and are submitting the results when I`m spitting gravel, so to me AI is
maybe THE most important thing

To me, GP2 with a TPTCC patch would be the ultimate offline sim I guess
(Jan,Jed,David N. are you listening ? :-), but I think it`s the
adjustability in Papyrus` sims that makes them good, not the driving
model (which I happen to think is wrong, I don`t get the results from
the setup adjustment that I expect after reading all those books on the
subject) and that is why I chose N2 and TPTCC instead of one of the many
others out there, very good ones I might add

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy

Greg Cisk

GP2 vs F1RS

by Greg Cisk » Sun, 01 Feb 1998 04:00:00

>> *FOR ME* the best is F1RS, buy a huge margin. Small track inaccuracies
>> (if they are really there) do not take anything away from the game to me.
>> Many people feel strongly that the track inaccuracies ruin the game
>> at those tracks for them. That is fine by me as it really doesn't impact
>> my enjoyment for the game at all.
>   At all?????????????

Nope not at all. Now if the tracks were *WAY* off then that of course
would be a problem. But the main problems are really at 2 tracks as
far as I know. Hungary & Japan. I drove Hungary and to me it was not
off enough to make any type of difference. I haven't done Japan yet
(it is next). Remember 14 of the tracks are good as far as I know.
Estoril is awesome, the corkscrew reminds me of going backward
at Laguna Seca. And that track is very bumpy.

After all it isn't like the tracks are as bad a Road & Tracks Grand
Prix or anything. Also lets remember we are discussing small
elevation changes. Changes which really seem to affect only a
small number of people. The basic shape and size of the tracks
are there.

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Byron Forbe

GP2 vs F1RS

by Byron Forbe » Mon, 02 Feb 1998 04:00:00

> >I agree too, but this bring up a point for me (yes I`ve been following
> >this and a few other threads much like it), what is the "best" sim ?

> Well I have played all the auto sims you mentioned plus many more.
> *FOR ME* the best is F1RS, buy a huge margin. Small track inaccuracies
> (if they are really there) do not take anything away from the game to me.
> Many people feel strongly that the track inaccuracies ruin the game
> at those tracks for them. That is fine by me as it really doesn't impact
> my enjoyment for the game at all.

   At all?????????????

GP2 vs F1RS

by plegr.. » Mon, 02 Feb 1998 04:00:00

Yes Estoril is really alot of fun and when you get a cracking lap it
feels excellent.

But SPA in the fog is my favorite thing in F1 Racing sim....maybe one of
the top three things Ive done in a Sim of any kind.......solo.



>Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.

John Walla

GP2 vs F1RS

by John Walla » Tue, 03 Feb 1998 04:00:00

On Fri, 30 Jan 1998 15:46:40 +1100, Bruce Kennewell

>No, Richard.......attack away if that is your desire.  I'm simply
>astounded at the nit-picking that goes on.
>We are talking about, what?.....$80?.....worth of "game", that
>nit-pickers seem to think should be so accurate in every detail, from
>the handling of the vehicle if a 1mm adjustment is made to the left-rear
>camber through the geophysical mapping of a circuit in both elevation
>and plan!!!

What we are talking about is F1RS simply being able to do what other
sim manufacturers have done in the past. Nothing like the exaggerated
level you describe above, merely improving on what has been done

Take the current benchmark as your standard, and then add the
improvements you want to make. Et Voila! Accurate tracks aren't an
unattainable Utopia, Psygnosis already managed to do them with their
"Formula One" title. ICR2 models very well the adjustments in camber
and influence on temps, pressures, grip, wear and the like - what is
wrong with looking for other sim manufacturers to do the same?


Byron Forbe

GP2 vs F1RS

by Byron Forbe » Tue, 03 Feb 1998 04:00:00

> >> *FOR ME* the best is F1RS, buy a huge margin. Small track inaccuracies
> >> (if they are really there) do not take anything away from the game to me.
> >> Many people feel strongly that the track inaccuracies ruin the game
> >> at those tracks for them. That is fine by me as it really doesn't impact
> >> my enjoyment for the game at all.

> >   At all?????????????

> Nope not at all. Now if the tracks were *WAY* off then that of course
> would be a problem. But the main problems are really at 2 tracks as
> far as I know. Hungary & Japan. I drove Hungary and to me it was not
> off enough to make any type of difference. I haven't done Japan yet
> (it is next). Remember 14 of the tracks are good as far as I know.
> Estoril is awesome, the corkscrew reminds me of going backward
> at Laguna Seca. And that track is very bumpy.

> After all it isn't like the tracks are as bad a Road & Tracks Grand
> Prix or anything. Also lets remember we are discussing small
> elevation changes. Changes which really seem to affect only a
> small number of people. The basic shape and size of the tracks
> are there.

> --
> Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.

   I think that when a *sim* is given the license for something like F1
that the tracks should be at least as good as any previous attempt.
Else the "F1" part loses it's meaning. I see this as just 1 more pitiful
result of a game being rushed to the shelves for Xmas. And what's worse
is that from what I hear, Ubi has no intention of fixing this -
especially Japan. I think that those responsible for giving licenses for
these sims should insist on set standards before giving the license out.
But of course that might mean giving it to someone offering less money,

GP2 vs F1RS

by Bruc » Wed, 04 Feb 1998 04:00:00

Nothing like the exaggerated
level you describe above,

I don't consider that to be exaggerated in the slightest.
Have there not been examples.....many examples.....of people commenting on
the accuracy or otherwise of both car handling and of circuits?

One instance comes to mind concerning CPR......there was a thread about how
the elevation changes were/were not accurately mapped.  There has also been
comment regarding the elevation accuracy of circuits in GP2 and F1RS.

My point is simply that people....some not accept the fact
that in every $80 simulation there have to be trade-offs, otherwise that
$80 would soon double.  These people seem to forget that the simulations
are not being issued to us as an act of charity: they are being produced by
organisations running to a budget and controlled by accountants and that
these organisations have to make a profit in order to bring us the next

They also overlook the fact that whether (for example) the banking on a
particular corner should really be 18 degrees instead of 20 is unimportant
if the whole package is enjoyable.  The 2 degree difference is immaterial
from where we sit.

Psygnosis already managed to do them with their
"Formula One" title.

Fine....and the trade-off was a pathetic AI, non-cockpit driving view and a
product that could hardly be grouped in the same class as GP2 or F1RS. That
this initial release was not accepted by the sim-racing enthusiast is
edvidenced by the fact that they are releasing a v2.  Says a lot for the
accuracy of the tracks when nobody really wants to class it as a
"simulation", doesn't it?

what is
wrong with looking for other sim manufacturers to do the same?

Nothing.....just don't expect it to be done for the same price, that's all.
If....from what we have been privy to so far....GP Legends has everything
that is being proposed, then I will buy this simulation even if the price
doubles, because I too enjoy authenticity just so long as the whole package
offers a worthwhile sim-racing experience.
However, if they haven't mapped Spa to the nth. degree, or don't include a
moving suspension feature, I won't whinge about the innacuracy of the


"I envy people who drink. At least they have something to blame everything
(Oscar Levant)

John Walla

GP2 vs F1RS

by John Walla » Wed, 04 Feb 1998 04:00:00

On Fri, 30 Jan 1998 16:24:59 -0600, "Greg Cisko"

>Well I have played all the auto sims you mentioned plus many more.
>*FOR ME* the best is F1RS, buy a huge margin. Small track inaccuracies
>(if they are really there) do not take anything away from the game to me.

They are there, believe me, the inaccuracies are inaccurate :-)


John Walla

GP2 vs F1RS

by John Walla » Wed, 04 Feb 1998 04:00:00

>Finally we have the AI which for me varies greatly depending on how good
>it is.

Wow, really going out on a limb there Richard - it varies depending
upon how good it is? Really sticking your neck out... :-)


Byron Forbe

GP2 vs F1RS

by Byron Forbe » Wed, 04 Feb 1998 04:00:00

> (snip)
> Nothing like the exaggerated
> level you describe above,
> (unsnip)

> I don't consider that to be exaggerated in the slightest.
> Have there not been examples.....many examples.....of people commenting on
> the accuracy or otherwise of both car handling and of circuits?

> One instance comes to mind concerning CPR......there was a thread about how
> the elevation changes were/were not accurately mapped.  There has also been
> comment regarding the elevation accuracy of circuits in GP2 and F1RS.

> My point is simply that people....some not accept the fact
> that in every $80 simulation there have to be trade-offs, otherwise that
> $80 would soon double.  These people seem to forget that the simulations
> are not being issued to us as an act of charity: they are being produced by
> organisations running to a budget and controlled by accountants and that
> these organisations have to make a profit in order to bring us the next
> simulation.

> They also overlook the fact that whether (for example) the banking on a
> particular corner should really be 18 degrees instead of 20 is unimportant
> if the whole package is enjoyable.  The 2 degree difference is immaterial
> from where we sit.

> (snip)
> Psygnosis already managed to do them with their
> "Formula One" title.
> (unsnip)

> Fine....and the trade-off was a pathetic AI, non-cockpit driving view and a
> product that could hardly be grouped in the same class as GP2 or F1RS. That
> this initial release was not accepted by the sim-racing enthusiast is
> edvidenced by the fact that they are releasing a v2.  Says a lot for the
> accuracy of the tracks when nobody really wants to class it as a
> "simulation", doesn't it?

> (snip)
> what is
> wrong with looking for other sim manufacturers to do the same?
> (unsnip)

> Nothing.....just don't expect it to be done for the same price, that's all.
> If....from what we have been privy to so far....GP Legends has everything
> that is being proposed, then I will buy this simulation even if the price
> doubles, because I too enjoy authenticity just so long as the whole package
> offers a worthwhile sim-racing experience.
> However, if they haven't mapped Spa to the nth. degree, or don't include a
> moving suspension feature, I won't whinge about the innacuracy of the
> product.

> ---
> Bruce.

> "I envy people who drink. At least they have something to blame everything
> on."
> (Oscar Levant)

     Points taken on both sides of the fence but I do disagree with you
refering to these sims as $80 products. The better these sims are the
more they sell - something that should be budgeted for. Of course, such
companies need the initial funds but if they do it right they should
have no problems getting their money back and then some. If they sell
twice as many then the effective price is $160 and the overall return is
huge eg GP2 and ICR2. It's a matter of a company having the balls to set
out on such a path and having the skill/determination to see it through.
For me, track accuracy is a close second to driving model in importance.

GP2 vs F1RS

by Suppresso » Thu, 05 Feb 1998 04:00:00

> My point is simply that people....some not accept the fact
> that in every $80 simulation there have to be trade-offs, otherwise that
> $80 would soon double.


me too

.. and they went to Jordan, and expected most F1 cars to be reasonably
similar.whereas Ubi went to the undisputed top (Renault) & got it right.

Another thing ... if everyone wants an ULTRA realistic SIM, I'll make it. hee
The only problem will be that hour or so wait on the grid. It'll be real time,
you can't skip
to the beginning of the race - no no no..., you'll have to sit there and wait
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