> [... about GP2 being delayed while Crammond adds support for some new
> piece of ***from Thrustmaster...]
> At the risk of lending credence to this almost certainly ill-informed and
> completely unfounded rumor (can you tell I'm getting fed up with the "why
> isn't GP2 here yet" whining on this group? :-) it's my personal opinion
> that delaying a game to add support for a piece of hardware which isn't
> out yet and which a tiny minorty of GP2 players are likely to buy would be
> a stupid, perhaps even foolhardy, move.
> But as I say, I don't think there's any tuth whatsoever in it.
> --
The game was finished and ready for release until it was sent to Q&A at
Microprose US.
At this point they asked for extras to be added such as light sourcing on
gravel traps and smoke from tyre spin etc.
Additionally to this GC is adding his own extras such as driver
aggresiveness ratings.
If this is true, don't call yourself Schuey otherwise you'll get taken
out by Hill 3 times a season....
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