> -- SimGoRacing --
> http://www.simgoracing.com
> > 45k). I am thinking of switching to cable when its available. What
> > kind of 'pings' are other cable users getting? I am currently getting
> > pings at 139 - 600. When I play now, it is difficult to pass because
> > the opponents are either sliding across the screen or they disappear
> > completely right as I am ready to pass. I assume this has to do with
> > either my connection or the connection at the server side.
> > Just looking for some other users experiences in switching to cable if
> > this will help my situation.
> > Thanks all for your help,
> > Gary
Gary, I too race with 56k and pings to my own dedicated server range from
190-220 and there is a little wobble like you mention but I find the guys
that are blipping in and out generally have connection issues of their own.
We race 12-15 guys regularly and I have never had a problem that I would
attribute to my connection. That said, you would greatly benefit from a
cable or DSL connection for more than just racing. It also would help your
racing connection better, but other guys in the races with 56k will continue
to blip and wobble even when you have a faster connection.