> People have slammed Papy games, too - are THEY elitist?
Yes (And they shouldn't do that either), but in general, Papy games are what
the majority on this newsgroup view as "Reality". While that is good for
Papy, it doesn't mean it is true. People slamming a product without
actually trying, are IMHO ignorant. No clue and base their opinions on what
they read on some website. So I agree, it is wrong for people to slam Papy
games without trying/knowing what they are talking about.
Again, I go back to the fact that Papy has done a good job in making their
product the industry standard or "reality". If another game doesn't feel
similar in style, those Perma-Papy-Fans start waving their hands, jumping
arround screaming about how "unrealistic" the physics are or how the tracks
are not as acurrate blah blah blah. I can remember the flames HEAT took
when it was first released for the "Pull to the left". Perma-Papy-Fans were
in an uproar as to how HEAT could have released such a piece of junk without
even testing an OBVIOUS flaw as to a "Pull to the left". Today, because
Papy incorporated the same sensation, consider it normal or "reality".
I do agree with the idea they are better because of the time they spend.
What is interesting is the comment of: "They can simply work with the frame
of the game. In other words, they don't know what WOULDN'T work in real
life, so they try everything".
What I will say to this statement is that in fact, if this statement is
TRUE, then the PHYSICS within N2002 must be FALSE. Because kids who use
tweaks that WOULDN'T work in real life, but are able to go faster and drive
better, then the TRUTH of the PHYSICS must be FALSE. Is N2002's physics
I agree totally with the above logic. However, what is not discussed in
this newsgroup is how to setup N2002 cars. How those kids today are making
those unrealistic setups. Why? Is it because it would ruin the image of
the glorious GPL and N2002 physics engine? Is it because it would bring
again the FACT these are GAMES not true simulations? I say yes, therefore,
when people start slamming on a game they never played for the lack of
"Physics Accuracy" blah blah... Let's just get to the truth. They don't
"like" the game because it doesn't play exactly like Papy games. What I
don't understand is why they don't tell that truth rather than ranting on
how it sucks.