Not a close call: Nascar 3. Unless you enjoy throwing money down the
toilet, stay away from Nascar Revolution products. N3 has simpler modes
for those not all that experienced, and probably the best way to go at
them is to turn down the opponent strength to something like 95%. You
can keep races short, avoid pit stops, customize the game in almost any
way. You'll also get an automatic connection to "wonswap," from which
you can download setups. You should also know about,
where you can find everything you'll need and a lot you won't know what
to do with.
BUT: you'll enjoy the game much, much more if you put in some consistent
practice, try to get the hang of it, and bump up the opponent strength.
Don't expect to win every race, which would be like scoring on every
play in an NFL game--it doesn't happen. This is a game that rewards
application, patience, consistency, good sense. As they say on the
circuit, it isn't how fast you go, it's how high you finish.
> Hi,
> I would like to get 1 of the multitude of Nascar games on the market.
> Can somebody please recommend which is the most appropriate game? Local
> stores have Nascar 3, Nascar Legends, Nascar 1999, Nascar Revolution,
> Nascar Revolution SE and on and on.
> I am not a "serious sim racer". I don't have hours and hours of spare
> time to devote to learning how to drive my car and optimize the setup.
> I just want to have fun racing in my few moments of spare time. Good
> sound and good graphics would certainly be appreciated.
> Many thanks in advance for your suggestions/help.
> Cheers,
> Gary.