>I have been thinking of buying this game for a long time now and have just
>a few small questions i need to ask.
><P>1. In GP2 when you managed to get the car airborne it is unable to completely
>roll over. Is It possible to do this in F1RS?
I've been on my back.
The crashes are pretty cool in F1RS if you have your own damage turned
on. If you race with no damage on your car, no one else will loose parts
in a crash either. If you go back and watch the crash in replay, you can
see that the "Balistics" of the car parts, and the collision model isn't
perfect, but while your in the middle of a race, it looks pretty good.
Crashes are a small part of this great sim. If you like to drive real
cars fast, on twisty roads, I think this delivers that feeling better
than any other sim I've tried, and I haven't tried any of the NSF or
similar titles.
Some feel that real F1 cars would behave and feel so differently
from those we drive, that F1RS is not an accurate simulation of that
experience. I respect their opinions, but that "real car" feeling,
I will ever know that "real F1 car" feeling, keeps F1RS a favorite.