F1RS, and there really is no doubts about that at all!
> I find the physics of the MGPRS to be a little odd. The back end of the
> is very unstable no matter what you do and how you drive. That's my
> but it's also one that is shared by a few other people.
> -Andrew
> > On Sun, 26 Sep 1999 11:10:46 -0400, "AndrewS"
> > >In answer to your question. After playing the demo that I downloaded
> from
> > >www.ubisoft.com to evaluate the game and after reading many online
> reviews,
> > >I've found that UbiSoft's original F1 racing simulation to be a better
> game.
> > You've got to be kidding? In the original F1RS, the handling of the
> > cars was terrible and unrealistic. A wheel or joystick would have to
> > be at full wheel lock before the car would turn!