: Did anyone catch the piece on Papyrus' NASCAR on the 'Nascar Today' program
: on ESPN (USA)?
: They had some NASCAR driver try it out. He wrecked out of the race... :)
: The question I have is what model CH wheel were they using? Is there a CH Pro
: yoke with a batch of buttons? I've seen the CH yoke with the single set of red
: buttons, but the one they were using had 2 sets of buttons and little thumb-
: sticks (for aiming? in a flight sim?).
--- Yes ther is now a PRO version of the V.Pilot though I've heard that
it is overkill for NASCAR Racing. May be better for flight sims (though
I still find the V.Pilot a bit too cumbersome for action flight sims
anyhow). NASCAR cannont take advantage of all the extra buttons I don't
believe (?).
: I also found it odd that they were playing the game on a slow computer. The
: frame rate was set painfully slow...it's not exactly got me wanting to go and
: buy the game if it looks like that!
--- They were no doubt 'showing it off' for the cameras and likely doing
the SVGA on a DX66 no doubt... it would be slow indeed (but clearer for TV).
I never caught the telecast though so I don't know. Is that all they did?
Did the driver himself make any comments after/during play?
Christopher Goucher Atlantic Geoscience Centre
work: (902) 426-4754 Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
home: (902) 865-9270 CANADA