break through tonight, thanks to Larry Linthicum. I had tried all the
different force feedback settings, from Eric Cote's strong arm ones, to
Alison Hine's softer settings. I tried different car settings, and tried to
adapt my driving technique. None of it worked. I lost control of the car far
more often with force feedback, and it just made GPL not much fun.
I continually read all the rave reviews of FF, and I'd dig it out of the
closet again. I kept going back to my non-force feed back LT Formula,
because I could stay on the track with it much better.
Larry suggested putting on some centering force, and while this goes against
all the other things I'd read, I was willing to try anything. I enabled the
centering in the Game Controller window (I don't run the Profiler, because I
can't drive with it on even without FF!), and set 20% centering force. What
a difference! I can actually drive GPL now! It does muddy up the FF effects
somewhat, so I hope I can slowly get rid of it. But at least I can have some
fun driving while I'm getting used to the FF
Thanks Larry!
Kevin Caldwell