I am the writer of The Adrenaline Vault's CART Precision Racing review.
First, let me set the record straight -- we are not sleeping with anyone at
Microsoft. :) The review I wrote was based on my honest response to the
game after approximately 20 hours of vigorous gameplay. I thoroughly
enjoyed the title and consider it deserving of high praise. I have read
critiques of the game (and my review) in your newsgroup, and feel that many
of the comments are very fair and show a great deal of insight into the
workings of what makes a good, or a defective, racing simulation.
Your response is certainly appreciated. I hope you will not allow one very
significant difference of opinion to alter your over-all impressions of our
site. All of the writers are to dedicated to generating accurate,
and intelligent reviews. We are hard-core gamers, and strive to deliver
best editorial content on the Internet. This time I sided firmly with the
minority. Why not stick around and see what happens next? I would argue
that you would agree with a majority of our reviews.
David Laprad
Staff Writer/Reviewer
The Adrenaline Vault
The Web's Ultimate *** Site!
Phone: (615) 597-8128
Address: 370 Smith Road, Smithville, TN 37166