>Why rush to defend Papyrus when you have no more information that I?
>You should heed your own words.
Joe, please read carefully what I'm saying before responding. All I am
saying is that you shouldn't state as gospel something which is not
correct - I am _not_ defending Papyrus.
You are stating as fact something which you don't know to be correct,
that Papyrus made a bad decision over 3D support. So what do we really
know? We know that a bad decision was made, and we know that it has
affected the implementation of 3dFX support in some products we are
interested in. We don't know WHO made such a decision, we don't know
WHY, we don't know WHEN, we don't know WHAT was the market condition
at that time, we don't know HOW that has truly affected their overall
market, or if indeed such a decision served to generate more profits
through increased sales of Rendition cards than it would have through
sales of the software. We even don't know that we wouldn't have made
exactly the same decision, given the factors which were known at that
time. IMO it's therefore simply not on to pillory a company for
something we don't understand. In short, we don't know.
BTW I would equally defend MS/TRI if they were attacked for adopting
D3D rather than Glide for CPR. I'm not defending the company
themselves or their decision, since I too would far prefer Glide or
some other form of effective use of 3dFX. Realistically though,what
would you expect them to use, given that D3D is their technology? If
they were to avoid D3D how could they hope to persuade other software
companies of it's viability?
All I am defending their right to make that decision, and for the
pacts to be portrayed correctly.
(That was longer than intended! Just so we're clear what we're arguing
about!) :)
Yes Ubi-F1. It's out here, it has 3dFX, it's a bona-fide sim and it's
_lovely_. Go rattle Ubi's cage and have them release it in the US.
After all, you guys had SODA before us, we don't even have CPR and
we're _never_ going to get the BGN pack. Don't expect any sympathy for
not having Ubi F1 yet :-)
BTW Psy-F1 does have analogue device support.