replaced it with a Maxigamer 3D2! Wow, what a difference! The Pure 3D was
holding my PII 400 back, now, with the Voodoo II, I'm able to run GPL at
1024x768 with full detail and most mirror options. The detail is just
incredible, I can see much further down the track and the whole sim runs
smoother. On a full grid, middle of the pack and***pit view, my fps jumped
from 15-19 to 25-28 with the Maxigamer and a solid 36 after the first turn
madness :-) If I use the...cough...external view, fps never drops below 32 at
the start. My starts are now a lot cleaner.
I am surprised, however, that F1RS doesn't look any different. Is there a way
to know what resolution F1RS is running?