Can anyone share experiences relating to getting NASCAR Racing
to run under Windows 95?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Can anyone share experiences relating to getting NASCAR Racing
to run under Windows 95?
Thanks in advance for your help.
> Can anyone share experiences relating to getting NASCAR Racing
> to run under Windows 95?
Larry Hufty
>Can anyone share experiences relating to getting NASCAR Racing
>to run under Windows 95?
>Thanks in advance for your help.
I've been running NASCAR Racing on the last two Windows95 beta's with no
problems. I chose the "suggest MS-DOS mode as necessary" option under
Program/Advanced in the properties with full screen mode and have
eliminated the problem with rebooting (saves time starting and exiting the
program). This has resulted in no performance loss with the high resolution
mode (Pentium90, 32MB ram, 2MB video for comparison purposes).
Also, the Thrustmaster Formula T1 drivewheel and pedals is highly
recommended for any NASCAR Racing enthusiast (a serious investment, but a
worthwhile one) -- after testing mine, my dad and an uncle each had one for
their computer within a week.
Hope this helps,
Alan Sherman
Alan Sherman
Is it coming out in the fall or winter?
IndyCar Racing II will be released during Q4 of 1995. Since Q4 runs from
10/1-12/31, winter starts on 12/21 (or is it 12/22?), and we want to have
significant Christmas sales, I would say it is a safe bet that it will be
released in the fall :-).
Rick Genter
Technical Lead, IndyCar Racing II/NASCAR Racing for Macintosh/Windows
Papyrus Design Group, Inc.