>> I just wanted opinions on how Nascar Racing runs
>> in win95. I am considering uprading but if it doesn't
>> run Nascar in SVGA as fast as it does in DOS now I
>> won't upgrade. Any opinions are appreciated.
>> Thanx!
>I found that it did not run at all. I was running on one of the
>last BETA versions prior to commercial release. The problem
>was not being able to get the audio to function properly.
>More than likely, it was me and not 95. But it ran fine when
>I chose to restart in the DOS mode. In the DOS mode it
>appears to run exactly the same as it did prior to WIN 95.
>If you are planning on going WIN 95, remember you can
>always restart in the DOS mode any time and the game will
>run fine.
>My configuration is a P-60, 2X CD-ROM, SVGA, Soundblaster
>compatable (well mostly compatable) card and 24MB RAM.
>Good Luck
to DOS mode. But, I do not see any difference in the quality or speed.
Now I am running on a P120 with 24mb of memory.
What you need to do is create a shortcut for NASCAR. Click on the
shortcut with the right mouse button and choose properties. Then
choose Program, Advanced, and put the check mark in the box that says
prevent MS-DOS bas
ed programs from detecting Windows.
This will get it to run but one caution, it may not completely run
right. I have had a few problems with it locking p in the middle of a
race. But I am running an original 8bit Sound Blaster card so that
could be part o
f my problems also.
Good luck.
I do not get here often so replying here will not get a fast response.
Thanx, Doug Compton