How about adding an option to the game making it possible to take back
at any point in a race the last 10 or 20 seconds? Another way of
saying it: make it possible to "Undo" some terrible mistake or
accident or punt by an AI guy. How about "<shift>u" or some such
keystroke to put you 10 seconds earlier in the race? I like the game a
lot, but this feature might double my enjoyment. It would at least
ease the frustration of being in a good race one second, then
hopelessly floundering on the grass the next. It certainly wouldn't
ruin the simulator aspect of the game- if you didn't want to use the
feature, you wouldn't have to.
I wrote to Papyrus with this idea- posted it to their web page at:
Thing is, I'm not sure they recieve stuff with these forms- I never
got a reply to a question I posted a month ago.
or use the form submit above.