> mod feeling better as the physics have been tweaked to overcome some
of the
> flaws in the GPL model. We will see, but I'm really looking forward
to this
> --------------------------------
> After reading this I was wondering, if the GPL model is flawed, can
they be
> tweaked to a more reasonable, realistic level?
The 65 Mod basically *is* a more reasonable, realistic level. These guys
have tweaked their butts off for nearly two years to get it as close as
Of course, that's not to mention the new cars (car graphics), each with
it's own new handling characteristics, from the Lotus 33 to the BRM P261
to a superb-looking Ferrari, etc etc.
>And can it be released as a
> new GPL? New and improved GPL'67,
Well, yes and no, kind of. The mod team have long ago decided not to
mess with GPL '67 itself, but there ARE serious plans to by and large
compensate for this for doing the "Early 68" mod.
In other words, to take the 67 cars which were used in the early 68
races (before wings popped up) and then tweak their physics to a higher
level. This will basically get you what you'd like, just in another context.
The same improved/tweaked model will probably (!) be used for a '66 Mod'
as well, and the biggest goal for the longer term I guess will be the 55
Mod - yep, the Fangio era. This should take far less time since the main
mod things for GPL have now been just about figured out.
But although the tyre handling itself is improved, it won't be modelling
tyre wear etc. because that's just not in GPL itself. And this is an
add-on to GPL.
(And, let's not forget, it's FREE! Gentlemen,... start your downloads,
in a week or so.)
Regards, Rudy
GPLRank: -22