I'm trying to deal with sliding in my sim at this moment.
For skid sounds, it seems looking at slip angles and slip ratios
getting large are a nice way to go.
For sliding, I'm not too sure. I use Pacejka to get long/lat forces
based on slipRatio/Angle/normal force and camber (camber is still 0 at
the moment).
So I get an Fx (longitudinal) and Fy. For sliding, I should check if
the resultant force (Fx+Fy) doesn't exceed the maximum force of the
tire. ( |Fx+Fy|<=maxForce )
However, how do I extract a friction coefficient (or similar, the
maximum total tire force) for a given situation? Could the Pacejka
constants help here? I think so, since the peak of the Fx force for a
given set of Pacejka input parameters will be the maximum force that
the tire can generate. However, this means I would have to search for
the optimal slipRatio (which delivers the highest Fx), which delivers
the highest output.
Or perhaps, it's just D+Sv, because the formula is like D*sin(...)+Sv
(or was it Sh, haven't got the book at hand right now).
Second, an effect that I'm still missing is the car switching ends
when flooring the throttle from a standstill. Given a large wheel spin
velocity, at the rear, the car won't move forward quickly, because of
the reduced Fx force. However, since slipAngle is calculated as the
ratio of longitudinal and lateral wheel speed (wrt the road), the
slipAngle builds up as the car wants to drift left or right, I just
get a Pacejka Fy which stabilizes the car in yaw.
So, where do I go wrong? It seems that because of the large spinning
velocity the lateral friction coefficient becomes almost 0 (like with
a motor where you can let the rear wheel drift along the track,
keeping the front wheel locked on the tarmac).
Thanks for any ideas,
Ruud van Gaal, GPL Rank +53.25
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