>Check out Millikin & Millikin's Race Car Vehicle Dynamics, chapter on tire
>data non-dimensionalization... this lists formulas for combining slip angle,
>slip ratio, and camber into one unified slip variable, giving you all those
>"friction circle" behaviors you're wanting...
way. :)
It seems though, after reading it yesterdaynight, the M&M brothers
have a combined (nondimensionalized) slipAngle+camber, and a
slipRatio+slipAngle method, but a fully combined
slipAngle+camber+slipRatio is missing. Or is this just
slipRatio+slipAngle, where you insert the combined slipAngle+camber
nondimensionalized slip as slipAngle in the former slip variable (from
the combined slipRatio+slipAngle)?
I've seen the car spin out with a different algorithm (from Gregor
Veble), which is ok, but I use SAE paper 950311 to do lateral/long.
force buildup (delay of slipAngle and slipRatio), and its damping is
causing me problems. The moment I play around with the forces, the
damping goes wrong and I end up with a car sliding from left to right
at about 0.5Hz (if not slower). I'll probably try a 3-dimension spring
model, since the damping from SAE950311 only works when I set the
coefficients at ~30, instead of the 0.7 (of critical damping) that is
required according to that paper. I may be doing something wrong but
haven't figured it out yet, and I know better how to damp springs, so
a 3D spring model would probably be better nevertheless (and hook back
to the SAE950311 model of delay slipRatio and tanSlipAngle once the
car starts moving at non-lowspeed).
Sounds good. I have to get rid of the damping algorithm that doesn't
behave right (and that I don't understand completely, there's a lot of
forces with the body that's doing gyroscopic effects etc) and get a
model that works better, and then tweak the friction coefficients
based on nondimensionalize combined slip perhaps.
Good to hear; those magic numbers are a bit predictable to what they
do, but certainly not how to modify them with load!
Ruud van Gaal, GPL Rank +53.25
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