Here's a nice one that some people stumbled upon on the Racer forum,
and frankly I'm not sure what to do with it:
(see also
The PDF that is talked about is a standard talk about the Magic
Formula. The problem is about the sign of camber.
Quote from the forum:
The camber sign is related to which side of the car the tire is. When
camber is negative the tire leans in. In fabulous ASCII art:
/ - \ (looking from the rear of the car forward to the nose)
Both tires have negative camber. However, Fy (lateral force) points in
the same direction for both tires, as it is a world axis (!). The sign
of gamma (camber) in the formula in that PDF therefore is undefined?!
The reason being that for both tires in the above diagram, you'd
expect the delta-Fy to be negative for one tire, and positive for the
other. But from the formula the camber (gamma) effect is the same for
both tires (on Fy). This clearly isn't right.
For this camber-dependeny reason, there is inclination angle, which is
the angle as viewed from the rear of the vehicle. So for the above
diagram, the left tire has a negative incl. angle, the right tire has
a positive incl. angle. This is what is used in Racer.
So the problem is: in the PDF and the Pacejka model, what is the
(world) direction of positive camber?? With just 'camber', you'd
expect different formulae for the left and right side tires of the
car! (sign changes)
In other words, is the Pacejka tire model completely broke? Not
really ofcourse, but I have no idea on what side the Pacejka model is
Ruud van Gaal
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