Back in 1995 I and several of my friends began pestering Papyrus to
adapt its ICR2 engine to sims covering the golden age of open wheel
racing. The vote was pretty well evenly split between the '67 F1 season
and the contemporary Indy rear engine revolution, with the latter group
holding only the slimmest of margins.
Well, we got our wish, which only goes to prove that you REALLY should
be very careful when asking for something. Instead of an improved open
wheel sim, what we have here is an overengineered, poorly optimized,
buggy, unrealistic monstrosity that requires a 32 meg 220+ MMX system
with a state of the art graphics card to deliver anything approaching an
acceptable frame rate. Can you say RED BARON II? Sure you can, and so
will the bean counters at the new and improved Sierra when the sales
figures start trickling in.
People, this shit has got to stop. I've been using computers since the
days when I had to sit on a telephone book to program basic games on a
48k Atari 800, and it seems the PC industry suffers from a chronic
mental defect that causes it to repeat the same old mistakes over and
over again.
What I'm talking about is the law of diminishing returns, a rock
solid, fundamental principle that applies to everything from hitting a
baseball to global macroeconomics. Simply put, when the time and money
invested in activity escalates without a proportional increase in
returns, you cut bait and run.
Trip Hawkins learned this lesson the hard way, and so have several
other corporate mainstays over the past few years. How many can you
name? I can think of about thirty once powerful companies that refused
to learn from past mistakes and are now nothing more than footnotes in a
few game fans' obscure histories. And the trend towards self gleeful
extinction among the industry's self proclaimed leaders is getting
worse. If you don't believe me, check out the econonmics. Software sales
of new product are down and will continue to drop, yet PC's in the uder
$1000 market are at an all time high. catch the discrepancy? If not,
maybe you should apply for a job at Sierra or Lucas Arts, at least while
they're still around.
Over the past five years I've purchased three new computers sytems and
gone through God knows how many upgrades, and it's time to stop. It's
not just a question of staying ahead of the hardware curve any
more--that's clearly impossible--but one of simple common sense. Anyone
who has a copy of MAME or CALLUS on their hard drive knows exactly what
I'm talking about. Good luck to the rest of you. You're going to need