I agree.
GPL is very good at giving an impression of a higher framerate than
it is actaully getting. I don't really notice the framerate on my
P233mmx with Pure3D except if I look at objects that are moving at
a high pixel rate - such as trees just before they disappear from
view, or the whole screen when i am cornering on turn 8, that's when
i notice how low my framerate really is - i'd say it's about 15fps.
But it does not FEEL like 15fps. I did a test last night - i turned
on Software rendering with full detail and was getting a whole 2fps
(woohoo! i hear you all yell in awe and admiration :) ) but even
though it was a slide show - like driving while blinking twice a
second (try it!) - the car was still responding instantly to my
inputs - just listen to the engine revving, dropping hte car in gear
and wheelspinning, etc, the car is still responding in realtime even
though the framerate is utterly atrocious. I could even still do
perfect wheelspinning drag starts where i hold the throttle at
around half rpm (full rpm wheelspins are slow to accelerate) just
like normal, even though I couldn't see jack shit, and would end up
pranging into things.
This realtime simulation, with the graphics being secondary and
unrelated to the simulation speed, gives the feeling of instant
responsiveness even when the framerate is not so fast, thus giving
the feeling of a much smoother framerate than in other games.
Of course, the slower framerate means that our quickest possible
reaction time is lessened because of the delay in seeing the current
situation of the car, so even though it feels fine, our control
of the car is not quite as good as what it could be. I suspect this
is why people who have upgraded their PCs on this newsgroup have
suddenly driven a whole lot faster while not quite knowing why. the
increasedcpu gives an increased framerate which people didn't
really notice because they didn't realise just how low their
fps was before they upgraded.
well, that was my Theory of the Day from yesterday:) had to get it
out somewhere... Of course it could be quite wrong:) but it sounds