Grant Reev


by Grant Reev » Wed, 22 Apr 1998 04:00:00

I agree.

GPL is very good at giving an impression of a higher framerate than
it is actaully getting. I don't really notice the framerate on my
P233mmx with Pure3D except if I look at objects that are moving at
a high pixel rate - such as trees just before they disappear from
view, or the whole screen when i am cornering on turn 8, that's when
i notice how low my framerate really is - i'd say it's about 15fps.
But it does not FEEL like 15fps. I did a test last night - i turned
on Software rendering with full detail and was getting a whole 2fps
(woohoo! i hear you all yell in awe and admiration :) ) but even
though it was a slide show - like driving while blinking twice a
second (try it!) - the car was still responding instantly to my
inputs - just listen to the engine revving, dropping hte car in gear
and wheelspinning, etc, the car is still responding in realtime even
though the framerate is utterly atrocious. I could even still do
perfect wheelspinning drag starts where i hold the throttle at
around half rpm (full rpm wheelspins are slow to accelerate) just
like normal, even though I couldn't see jack shit, and would end up
pranging into things.
This realtime simulation, with the graphics being secondary and
unrelated to the simulation speed, gives the feeling of instant
responsiveness even when the framerate is not so fast, thus giving
the feeling of a much smoother framerate than in other games.
Of course, the slower framerate means that our quickest possible
reaction time is lessened because of the delay in seeing the current
situation of the car, so even though it feels fine, our control
of the car is not quite as good as what it could be. I suspect this
is why people who have upgraded their PCs on this newsgroup have
suddenly driven a whole lot faster while not quite knowing why. the
increasedcpu gives an increased framerate which people didn't
really notice because they didn't realise just how low their
fps was before they upgraded.

well, that was my Theory of the Day from yesterday:) had to get it
out somewhere... Of course it could be quite wrong:) but it sounds


Antoine Renau


by Antoine Renau » Wed, 22 Apr 1998 04:00:00

On Tue, 21 Apr 1998 14:09:37 +1200, Grant Reeve

>well, that was my Theory of the Day from yesterday:) had to get it
>out somewhere... Of course it could be quite wrong:) but it sounds

I'd like to add to your comments if you don't mind...

I think I've noticed something else:  The sim seems to draw the track
first, the the objects if it has enough time...  Sometimes when you're
looking at the track you think you have flawless rock-solid >30 FPS
and when you look to the outside it looks not so good.  I noticed that
in ICR2 rendition too.  I looks like the program draws track and cars
first, and if it has enough cpu cycles left it draws everything else.
So when you're looking at the track and at other cars (that's what you
do 99% of the time when you're racing anyway) it looks like the game
is very smooth, much smoother than it really is.  Can anyone confirm
this or am I hallucinating?

A. Renault



by Jo » Wed, 22 Apr 1998 04:00:00

>I think I've noticed something else:  The sim seems to draw the track
>first, the the objects if it has enough time...  

I noticed that too. The 3d***pit also seems to get high priority.
Smart design - the track and car is the most important objects to have
high frame-rate, and no drawing-popup (on the track). Pure frame-rate
wise - by looking at the trees going buy in the corner, the demo is
very slow, I'd say about 15 fps (P200 w/3Dfx). The program obviously
hasn't been optimized yet.


Kyle Steve


by Kyle Steve » Wed, 22 Apr 1998 04:00:00

On Sun, 19 Apr 1998 22:09:00 -0700, "Marc J. Nelson"

>GPL is Alpha...I, for one, hope this excelleration of the technology-
>roller-coaster never stops...It's too much damn fun!  =)


What, you mean that this ISN'T a demo of the final version?  Oh my
god, what good is it?  I mean, really, releasing something just to get
positive feedback and work out some of the kinks?  ;-)

You mean that all of these posts I'm reading from people who think
they are experts on the '67 Lotus, let alone were alive in 1967 and
racing the F1 circuit are giving expert testimony for an Alpha
release?  Really!  Let's not even get into that linear/non-linear

I'm sure something good will come out of all of this, but not only is
the technology roller coaster fun, so is reading all of the debates in
this newsgroup!  I hope that never stops!  Long live Alpha-release
demos (just like CPR)!!!  Oooooh...did I say that?

Smells like a successful retail release in the future, me thinks. :-)

Kyle Stevens

P.S.  Hi, Marc!  Long time no talkie!

Kyle Steve


by Kyle Steve » Wed, 22 Apr 1998 04:00:00


Then cut bait <snip> and run...


Kyle Stevens



by jer.. » Wed, 22 Apr 1998 04:00:00

> On Sun, 19 Apr 1998 22:09:00 -0700, "Marc J. Nelson"

> >GPL is Alpha...I, for one, hope this excelleration of the technology-
> >roller-coaster never stops...It's too much damn fun!  =)

> Marc,

> What, you mean that this ISN'T a demo of the final version?  Oh my
> god, what good is it?  I mean, really, releasing something just to get
> positive feedback and work out some of the kinks?  ;-)

> You mean that all of these posts I'm reading from people who think
> they are experts on the '67 Lotus, let alone were alive in 1967 and
> racing the F1 circuit are giving expert testimony for an Alpha
> release?  Really!  Let's not even get into that linear/non-linear
> debacle...

> I'm sure something good will come out of all of this, but not only is
> the technology roller coaster fun, so is reading all of the debates in
> this newsgroup!  I hope that never stops!  Long live Alpha-release
> demos (just like CPR)!!!  Oooooh...did I say that?

> Smells like a successful retail release in the future, me thinks. :-)

> Kyle Stevens

> P.S.  Hi, Marc!  Long time no talkie!

RESPONSE: As a matter of common courtesy, Kyle, one should always check
their facts before trying to be sarcastic, otherwise you might come off
looking like an ass. No. I've never driven a Lotus 49 at Zandvoort, but
it might interest you to know that one of my brothers has restored
sveral vintage racing cars, including Lotus 49b's, 25's, 33's, one 38,
several Gurney Indy Eagles, one A.J. Foyt Coyote, a whole slew of March
chasis and quite a few Penskes. They were all in mint running condition
when he was finished with them, and I've had the privilige of plunking
my rear end into those narrow, cramped***pits and having a bit of
(very careful) fun. Now, that doesn't make me a qualified F1 pilot by a
damned long site, but I sure know a hell of a lot more about how a real
vintage race car feels than someone who gets their info from reading
blurbs off the back of a game box. So sue me.
As for all you other folks who responded negatively to my criticism of
GPL, it appears not one of you picked up on the post's true message.
Well, that's my fault. All I can say is, try reading something besides
juvenile oriented *** magazines to get a picture of what a financial
crisis software manufacturers have worked themselves into.
John Walla


by John Walla » Wed, 22 Apr 1998 04:00:00

Y'know Achim, sometimes I wonder myself! :-)  No, actually it can be
quite fun as long as you don't take the disagreements too seriously. I
enjoy the occasional good discussions, and like SPRTSIMS, have made
some good friends here.

The more common disagreements you have to laugh about and pour some
petrol onto the flames :-)


Mike Laske


by Mike Laske » Wed, 22 Apr 1998 04:00:00


Did you say this is "fun"?  Did you miss school the day they covered that
particular word from the dictionary?!! ;-)

Achim, I fully agree with you!




by Mar » Wed, 22 Apr 1998 04:00:00

On Mon, 20 Apr 1998 22:12:59 GMT, "Michael E. Carver"

>That's odd, because I could swear that GPL isn't even getting close to
>30-40 fps in the current demo with VooDoo2 and a PII-300.  I would
>guestimate the frame rate to be about half that with all detail turned
>on.  While it's smooth, smooth doesn't mean fast.


I've seen games play at 15-20 fps, and this doesn't feel like it.
GPL doesn't "chop-up" anywhere, no matter what I do.  I have seen to
stuttering or pauses, or any chopiness.  Thats why I thought it feels
like 30 fps+.

I wish they would throw frame rate counters on these things.  

If you are correct that it is currently running at around 15-20 fps
(half of what I said), even though the demo is not optimized  - I
think the final with full AI will be even slower than my guess.

To replay via e-mail, remove "spam." from the beginning
of my e-mail address (Tyring to avoid junk mail)

Byron Forbe


by Byron Forbe » Thu, 23 Apr 1998 04:00:00

> > Y'know Achim, sometimes I wonder myself! :-)  No, actually it can be
> > quite fun as long as you don't take the disagreements too seriously. I
> > enjoy the occasional good discussions, and like SPRTSIMS, have made
> > some good friends here.

> John,

> Did you say this is "fun"?  Did you miss school the day they covered that
> particular word from the dictionary?!! ;-)

> Achim, I fully agree with you!

   Well I think it's fun here myself. In amongst the constantly raging
shitfights is a whole lot of great and relevent info. And I think the
only good thing that came from CPR for eg was the massive shitfight it
caused and the opportunity for some to showcase their great sense of
humour and sarcastic abilities! Now with GPL you have a few critical
individuals but the responses to there posts give a good impression and
often lead to more extensive discussions or new subjects altogether. So
where's the lack of "fun".

   Btw, I missed the definition of "fun" when I was at school because at
the time I was throwing my unwanted lunch sandwiches at the teacher. So
what did I miss?

Marc J. Nelso


by Marc J. Nelso » Thu, 23 Apr 1998 04:00:00

> What, you mean that this ISN'T a demo of the final version?  Oh my
> god, what good is it?  I mean, really, releasing something just to get
> positive feedback and work out some of the kinks?  ;-)

How dare they, eh?!

Many of whom weren't even a gleam in their daddy's eye (I can't remember
where I got that apologies)!  ;)

What's good is that I feel GPL (and possibly NHRA) will either signal
a wakeup call to those who listen, or a death nell to those that don't.
Papyrus promised to "raise_the_bar" in technology by way of physics,
and although they got a few items backwards (alpha woes), GPL will no
doubt be a huge success (in as far as simmers go).  Raise the bar
indeed!...They launched it through the friggin' roof!

Yepper!  Can't wait!

Yes it has...How's your little (growing daily) girl doing?  =)




(please remove '_*_' when replying)

Sim Racing News -
The Sim Project -

* No animals were harmed in the making of this e-mail *

Richard Walk


by Richard Walk » Thu, 23 Apr 1998 04:00:00

On Tue, 21 Apr 1998 23:03:00 GMT, "Mike Laskey"

>Achim, I fully agree with you!

So when are we going to see you on SPRTSIMS again then? <g>


Mark Fishe


by Mark Fishe » Thu, 23 Apr 1998 04:00:00

Hi Mike,

I have to agree with you and Achim ;-)



>> Y'know Achim, sometimes I wonder myself! :-)  No, actually it can be
>> quite fun as long as you don't take the disagreements too seriously. I
>> enjoy the occasional good discussions, and like SPRTSIMS, have made
>> some good friends here.


>Did you say this is "fun"?  Did you miss school the day they covered that
>particular word from the dictionary?!! ;-)

>Achim, I fully agree with you!


Kyle Steve


by Kyle Steve » Thu, 23 Apr 1998 04:00:00

>RESPONSE: As a matter of common courtesy, Kyle, one should always check
>their facts before trying to be sarcastic, otherwise you might come off
>looking like an ass. No. I've never driven a Lotus 49 at Zandvoort, but
>it might interest you to know that one of my brothers has restored
>sveral vintage racing cars, including Lotus 49b's, 25's, 33's, one 38,
>several Gurney Indy Eagles, one A.J. Foyt Coyote, a whole slew of March
>chasis and quite a few Penskes. They were all in mint running condition
>when he was finished with them, and I've had the privilige of plunking
>my rear end into those narrow, cramped***pits and having a bit of
>(very careful) fun. Now, that doesn't make me a qualified F1 pilot by a
>damned long site, but I sure know a hell of a lot more about how a real
>vintage race car feels than someone who gets their info from reading
>blurbs off the back of a game box. So sue me.
>As for all you other folks who responded negatively to my criticism of
>GPL, it appears not one of you picked up on the post's true message.
>Well, that's my fault. All I can say is, try reading something besides
>juvenile oriented *** magazines to get a picture of what a financial
>crisis software manufacturers have worked themselves into.

I'm not sure what facts you're referring to, but since I'm not part of
the "back o' the box" crowd and don't form my opinions from any ***
magazine (even ones without the busty ads), and since I don't know you
personally (no facts there), I'll continue to rant sarcastically.  But
hey, I hold a real job, have a family, and know a thing or two about
software and hardware sales (at least in the U.S.), so I'll comment on
the economic discussion you began...

To be courteous, I went back and re-read your message.  Economic
minded as it is, you neglect some very basic issues, such as to
provide a sim of the quality and caliber you want on a PC system of
say, three years ago, is not a possibility.  Remember, it's not just
graphics capabilities that have increased, but sheer processing power
to run the number of routines written around the laws of physics.  Now
is that a crime, or will companies like Papyrus/Sierra see diminishing
returns?  I don't think so.  As long as there are enough people with
the hardware to run the newest simulations (or with parents to buy for
them), then the sim software category will continue to grow.

In my line of work we see more high-powered computer systems being
bought for the home than ever before, and we're talking AGP for people
who don't even know what it is, let alone what Voodoo or Rendition or
Riva are.  Hard core simmers will always debate the merits of
authenticity and always yearn for the next upgrade to their PC if it
gets them those blessed frame rate increases.  And since the major
sales indicators show no signs of decreasing home computer sales in
the near future, the Papyrus' of the world have every right to expect
that their software will run on the majority of systems out there.

I know your a bit sensitive about getting "sarcastic" comments, but
with people taking the GPL Alpha Pre-Release so seriously, I have to
find some humor in the debate going on in r.a.s.  And I'm impressed
and jealous with your access to vintage racing machines (I've only got
the Palm Springs Vintage Auto Show to go to).  But since you're
"driven" (sorry) to comment on the economics and not the driving
model, I'll cut you some slack (like I have any say in the matter) and
apologize if I grouped you into the wrong GPL-Debate category.  

I hope you'll find the final release to your liking, and if not, you
can always cut loose and run (or return the software to your nearest
participating retailer).

Sincerely ,

Kyle is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.