Hi All...
Been reading with interest the various threads discussing the pros and
cons about more "realism" in auto sims, some even to the point of
advocating simulated injury, etc. I too, have been thinking about ways
to make my favorite sims more "realistic" as it were... and have come up
with some ideas I think I'll bounce off you guys. (After all, the old
saying is: "two heads are better than one"!) Let's start with my
favorite sim, Nascar2. And, let's say that I'm starting a season, and
I'm headed for the first track for the first race: Daytona.
Now, what happens when a "real" Nascar team arrives at a track? They
unload, prep the car for practice... then hit the track. Well, let's
look at the typical way I (we?) "practice". As for me, when I'm "rusty"
(haven't played the sim in a loooong time), I usually dissengage
"Damage" and go out and start wailing away. Even if I still have damage
on... there's not too much concern for any carnage that ensues, after
all, the "Shift R" keys start me all over again with a brand new car...
so what's the prob Bob?
Well, this is the first area that I think we can add "realism". "Real"
teams do not have unlimited stables of cars at the track. From watching
waaay too many Nascar races on TV, best I can tell, a team usually
arrives at a track with the "Primary" car, and a "Back-up" car. (After
all, you can only put so much stuff in a semi-trailer.) Thus, if a
driver REALLY thumps the primary car (as oppossed to superficial fender
damage)... they have to pull out the back-up car.
So why can't we do the same? That is, when we arrive at the track to
begin practice... we allow ourselves two cars. Should we receive
superficial damage, we can switch to the backup car, or park it for
repairs. (Hmmm... wonder what "they" do? Likely, I figure the crew
begins*** a new fender, and that's it for practice that day.
Opinions?) Now, if we REALLY tear it up (knock front end off, or back
end)... then obviously, that car can't be fixed that day, or even
overnight (possibly "never", in the real world). Out comes the backup
car... AND THAT'S THE LAST ONE YOU'VE GOT BUDDY! Tear it up... and you
scratch that race. "Scratching" a race would be easily accomplished by
taking a provisional start position, starting the race, (staying back so
there's zero interference with the AI cars) and once you complete a lap
accelerate the time, taking the DNF... and go to the next race.
What do think? See any "holes" in this? I've been thinking about
taking this approach myself... but thought I'd pitch it out to r.a.s. to
see what kinds of ideas others can add to it. Later... I'll share some
ideas on how to simulate "injuries"... if you want to take it that far.
Let me know...
Have fun...