Anyone using this card? Does it offer anything an AWE64 Gold does not
already give?
Anyone using this card? Does it offer anything an AWE64 Gold does not
already give?
3D accelerated sound.
Plus it's a PCI card, and by removing all ISA cards you can expect as
much as a 10-15% performance boost form your system.
Eric T. Busch
PCI slot solution sounds great, now the big question.
Is this card a WIN95-only sound drivers install, or does it also give
options for DOS & WIN3.1?
There's still very many gamers out there who don't run WIN95 at all.
I'm proud to say I'm one of them. I don't require PNP stuff.
The card is Win95 only, though it is SB compatible (through Win95 of
course). You're a dying breed with little to no new software to look
forward to... have fun.
Eric T. Busch
>PCI slot solution sounds great, now the big question.
>Is this card a WIN95-only sound drivers install, or does it also give
>options for DOS & WIN3.1?
>There's still very many gamers out there who don't run WIN95 at all.
>I'm proud to say I'm one of them. I don't require PNP stuff.
>PCI slot solution sounds great, now the big question.
>Is this card a WIN95-only sound drivers install, or does it also give
>options for DOS & WIN3.1?
>There's still very many gamers out there who don't run WIN95 at all.
>I'm proud to say I'm one of them. I don't require PNP stuff.