F1 2002 or Grand Prix 4


F1 2002 or Grand Prix 4

by DJ » Thu, 20 Nov 2003 13:36:24

Just a quick question, which of the 2 in the subject (F1 2002 or Grand Prix
4/3) is the better of the two. I may purchase both but just looking at
getting one or the other for now

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Richard S Becket

F1 2002 or Grand Prix 4

by Richard S Becket » Thu, 20 Nov 2003 18:34:29

Get F1C, instead.
GPLRank +79.699


F1 2002 or Grand Prix 4

by DJRJ » Thu, 20 Nov 2003 23:21:11

yep, F1C is by far the way to go.
Four furry fiend

F1 2002 or Grand Prix 4

by Four furry fiend » Fri, 21 Nov 2003 00:08:26

Get F1 2k2 and F1C.  There are some great mods already out, or in the works,
for both.



F1 2002 or Grand Prix 4

by Haqsa » Fri, 21 Nov 2003 09:57:30

Depends on what you consider better.  F1 2002 is generally considered to
have the better driving physics, but many people have been very disappointed
with the inaccurate and bumpy tracks.  GP 4 is usually reckoned to have
better tracks.  So it is a question of which is more important to you,
accurate physics or accurate tracks.  Unfortunately you can't get both in
one box.  I would agree with the other posters though that F1 Challenge is
your best bet if you can find it, not just for the physics or the mods but
also because there are a lot of excellent community made tracks that you can
download, including 2003 season updates of the F1 tracks that have some of
the problems fixed.

Stephen F

F1 2002 or Grand Prix 4

by Stephen F » Fri, 21 Nov 2003 16:40:49

GP4 is definitely worth it at a bargain price just for the race weekend
atmosphere and the superb weather effects.  It is quite immersive to be
lifted off the blocks, have the laptop plugged in for startup, then be waved
out of the garage by some fairly decent looking polygon crew members.
Likewise, to come screaming down pitrow while 6 other teams are running out
with tires, working on a car, or running back into their garage during a
race is excellent. I also find the AI in GP4 better, so if you're looking
for a good offline race, it's quite satisfying.

The F1X series are great for modding and driving.



F1 2002 or Grand Prix 4

by Eldre » Wed, 26 Nov 2003 10:04:49


You know, I haven't seen GP4 in the store for AGES.  Is it still even
available?  I might be able to come up with $10 or so for a look-see...  The
changing weather sounds interesting - even though I can't drive a racecar in
the rain... :-(

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Stephen F

F1 2002 or Grand Prix 4

by Stephen F » Wed, 26 Nov 2003 17:22:15

Don't worry... anyone can drive a GP4 car in the rain...


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