Lately, I have been experimenting with editing the traction, power,
aggression, and drag values for the drivers in N2. My question is, does
a higher value for drag create more car drag or less drag? I believe it
creates more drag, but I have significantly raised and lowered this
number (while leaving everything else constant) and have not noticed a
significant difference.
Also, has anyone noticed anything weird with the performance of the #3
car in the game? He has some of the highest values for power, traction,
etc., but during a race he starts well and then almost always fades to
20th-30th place by the end of the race. I tried moving #3 up from
fourth on my list to second, but I noticed no difference. I am not
wanting to start a flame war or thread about the #3 car in real life,
just curious if anyone else has noticed this in the game and possibly
knows how to solve it. Thanks.