>> As a side note, I use auto-shifting in F1RS and<BR>
>> GP2 (I have a Thrustmaster GP1 and my hands don't appreciate having <BR>
>> to<BR>
>> do everything at once), but I've found it pretty easy to shift <BR>
>> manually in GPL.<BR>
>I also use auto gears in GP2 & F1RS, but I have finally managed to <BR>
>get used to manual gear changes in GPL. 8?)<BR>
>I might even give it a try next time I drive GP2 & F1RS? (which isn't <BR>
>often at the moment as I am *totally* engrossed in GPL!)<BR>
>*Peter* 8-)<BR>
Wow, I'm glad I'm not the only one! I too use the GP1 and Auto-shift most sims,
but found it almost impossible with GPL, I could not keep the engine up on the
cam enough to make any speed. Now, when I go back to F1RS or TOCA, I find
myself banging on the shifter buttons to get the thing to go faster!
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